Still got 2hours to go and it is my 24yrs old birthday.... thx for Yee Yong's early birthday meal, Boon Keat & Ker Li's early wishing.

Anyone wanna give me present?? This is the things i wish to have:
1) Wallet
2) Watch
3) $$$
4) Birthday breakfast
5) Birthday lunch
6) Birthday dinner - already booked by my family
7) Birthday supper

not much rite?? so who wan to give me birthday present?? you can book now....hehehe......


上星期和同事吃完午餐经过佛学院 & 跆拳道 Main Centre 时,发生了小意外。当时看见前面的车踩 break ,所以我也慢了下来,也为了闪开一个小洞而吃去right lane。当我刚要回到 left lane 时,有一只狗突然从左边冲出来,我来不及散,听见 ‘乓’ 一声,撞到它了。正担心那只狗怎样的时候,它已经调头往回跑了,当它就快要到达路边时,我看见后面来了一辆 motor。Motor 已经踩 break,可是那只狗竟然去撞那辆 motor,motor 失去平衡,翻倒在路上。还好 motor 后面没有车,不然 motor 骑士就不知道回发生什么事了。