Practical Training 结束了

Yeah Yeah!! I finished my Practical Training d....I take 4 days time yesterday is my last day..

I'm so happy that i finish my training...haha...noneed go to work liao...some of my friend stil need to work until this friday, some work until next month 15th.... I finish earlier...hahhaa...

Although finish my training, but i still hav to rush my log book within this week, cuz my mum is going to hav operation next i sure will busy among those days...after this peak period, i only can enjoy my holiday....cant wait for my travel d....

Yeah Yeah!! Practical Training 结束了。。。拿了4天的 Time Off。。。所以昨天是最后一天了。
Training 结束了很开心。。。Haha。。。不用再去上班了。。。很多朋友还得做到这星期五,有的是下个月15号。。。我比他们早结束。。。Wakaka。。。

结束不代表可以玩了。。。我还得在这星期里赶完 Log Book。。。因为妈妈在下个星期进院动手术,我就得医院,家里两边跑。。。忙完后才可以开始我的旅行。。。很期待我的旅行。。。


Anonymous said...

wahh... so good... finish training dy.... i also wan finish.... :P

shin_yeoh said...

u oso left few weeks rite?? Gambatte!! ><